Saturday, November 12, 2011

I am thankful #3

Nov. 10  I am thankful for living in a place with all types of weather!  I love long summer days and nights....I love listening to thunderstorms while sleeping....I love cool, crisp fall days when the leaves are different colors and the sun is shining....I love romping in inches of snow and seeing trees covered in fluffy white flakes...I love it all and wouldn't want to do without any of them.

Nov. 11  I am thankful for girls nights where I can laugh and let go.  There are just some things that only girls get and time with girlfriends is good for the soul.  I am thankful that I have girls in my life to do this with.

Nov. 12  I am thankful for weekend days when I don't get out of my pajamas until the afternoon...or ever.  Lazy?  Maybe.....awesome when done only once in a while?  For sure!

Nov. 13 I am thankful for my extended family as each person has an important place in my life.  Visiting my aunt and uncle at their lake in the summer and catching up on all that is get togethers with all of the 2nd cousins running around...for the friendship and opportunity I had to teach side by side with one of my cousins.....for the time, even tough minimal, that we spend together enjoying each others company.

Nov. 14  I am thankful for my Nana, my last living grandparent and that she is still part of our lives.  I am also thankful for the time I had with my other grandparents.  They were a huge part of my life growing up and there were times when I wasn't sure what I would do without them.  I only wish they could have met all of my children.

Nana and all her great grand kids-Always Missing Poppy
Grandma and Grandpa Morris-miss them to PIECES

Not so serious:

Nov. 10  Sports Bars with beer, TV and college basketball, specifically IU
Nov. 11  Tailgating-seriously, whoever came up with this idea is great! 
Nov. 12  Dora Spaghettios....I get to be the superstar of the day with my kids, just for opening a can!
Nov. 13  The one morning a week that my boys wake up with a smile instead of kicking and screaming....
Nov. 14  Tom Crean and Cody Zoeller......I am ready to watch some winning IU basketball!!!

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