Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I am thankful (#485 right?)

I got a little crazy and switched the format of this blog entry up..I put the Not So Serious things first (GASP)....I'm a rebel, I know.

Not so serious.....

  • Ugly vinyl floors so that when my kids spill food and drink on it 800 times a day I don't care that much.
  • Gloomy, rainy, cold days so when I do nothing of worth all day, I don't feel so bad.
  • That one of my three kids can wipe their own butt. That's a start right?
  • Snacks. Because my kids would shrivel up without them. Really, ask them. Life would have no meaning.

November 20  I am thankful for alone time.  My husband is gracious enough to give me time to run errands by myself, work out by myself or just go upstairs and sit in the closet by myself.  (I am okay with this and don't feel weird about it at all) This allows me to function as a person.

November 21 I am thankful for the busy holiday season and all that comes with it.  I wouldn't trade a relaxing empty calendar for the one I have. 

November 22  I am thankful for hand me down clothes.  My boys have always had tons of clothes thanks to Todd's cousin's hand-me-downs. Claire has had some too from various friends and even I have enjoyed clothes given to me by friends and we are so appreciative of this that we make sure to hand down all of our clothes to those in need.

November 23  Food.  All of it.  The good, the bad, and the ugly.  (maybe a little more thankful for the good)

Happy Thanksgiving You'all!  Gobble Gobble

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