Thursday, November 17, 2011

I am thankful #4 (are you over this yet?)

November 15 I am thankful for naptime.. Because if it didn't exist, I wouldn't be able to be a stay at home mom and I would have run away from home already.  I would have put this in the not so serious section, but I am serious.

November 16  Family get-togethers during the week to break up our weekday monotony and visit with family.

November 17  I am thankful for music.  I have never been a huge music person.  I didn't go to too many concerts-just the ones that my friends were going to or that would be lots of fun...didn't buy a whole lot of CDS, etc.  But I still appreciate the way a song can take you away and allows the opportunity to let your emotions fly by belting out a tune that you either connect with somehow or just love to sing at the top of your lungs.  I like all kinds of music from classical to hip hop....I listen to country a lot.

November 18  I am thankful for great neighbors. It really makes a difference in enjoying where you live when you love the people that surround you.  Our kids enjoy long summer nights outside at the pond or in one anothers back yards.  We look out for each other and are always borrowing something from each other.  Great conversations and friendships. 

November 19  I am thankful for books.  I am such a big has provided many hours of entertainment for me and it is one of my favorite things to do.  I would pick reading a book over TV any day.  My all time favorite is Gone With the Wind..I like historical fiction where I learn a little something real while I am reading.  But then again, I also like teen fiction...(Twilight and Harry Potter)......I hope at least one of my kids inherits this love of reading.......
Not so serious:
  • Lunchables...b/c who wants to make your kid lunch every morning?
  • The ability to tune out any sound I want to at any time.  Baby crying, where?  Boys fighting and screaming at the top of their lungs...are you sure?  I have the super natural ability to tune this out and go to my happy least for a few minutes at a time.
  • Lots of clothes.  I only have to do laundry once a day instead of 520 times a day.  Score.
  • 8:00am Saturday morning basketball games. No really, I mean it..... (or not)
  • That Taylor's basketball team this year is the Hoosiers and not the Boilermakers....I might cry if I have to root for Purdue. 

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