Thursday, September 16, 2010

Are you ready for some football?

I really wanted to have a blog entry on my birthday this year (The big 33-but who's counting) by stealing yet ANOTHER one of Ambers ideas.  If I knew how to put a link up to her blog with her name, I would, but I'm not that cool, so check her out over there on the left-amberwavesofgrain.  Anyway, the idea I was going to steal was to post 33 things about myself, in honor of none other than myself.  Because it was my birthday and it really was "all about me".  Oh wait, this is my blog, so isn't it always all about me?  I had strep throat on my birthday though and am just now feeling human again, and I couldn't find a previous list I had made of things that others might find interesting or at least worth reading about in a blog.  The thought of creating one from scratch was daunting and I wasn't up to it.  So, next year I promise I will do one.  Only a few hundred days and counting-mark it on your calendar :) 

I am so good at tangents that this is supposed to be about football and now it's about me rambling so onto the football part.  Taylor is playing flag football this year for the first time.  He chose that over soccer, which he played the previous two years.  He is pretty good at it; well, except for that interception that he threw last weekend that the opposing team ran back for a touch down.  But they don't keep score, so it doesn't matter.  Ya, not at all.  Those kids have NO idea what the score is.  Yep-keep on believing that league.  He usually plays quarterback but sometimes plays receiver.  I think.  Anyway, pictures from said football. 

Maybe I should post pictures of me rambling-that would be a more accurate portrayal of this post.  Another tangent-can I please tell you what a wonderful feeling it is to be healthy after being so down and out?  I felt like choreographing a musical.  Or at least looking up on the internet how to spell choreographing

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday! :) Sorry you were sick! I'm flattered that you like my blog enough to copy it and advertise it, ha! You are always welcome to copy!
    Little kids in football uniforms are so cute. So little but trying to be so tough. Love it.
