Sunday, September 5, 2010

Luke and Bo Duke go to school

Uh oh teachers, watch out-the boys are here!  My baby boy, Connor started preschool this week.  He is in the 3-year-old class with his cousin, Austin.  The boys are 7 months apart in age and two peas in a pod.  They are both 100% energetic, LOUD, and boy.  They play well together and they fight well together.  Sooooo...good luck teachers.  We wish you well.  So I tried to steal the idea (from Amber) of asking Connor questions about preschool and posting his answers on here, however Connor didn't really have any answers.  Yes he likes preschool.  His favorite part is "NOFFING (nothing)" and his teachers names are "I don't know".  So, there you have it folks.  Interesting words from the mouth of Connor.

1 comment:

  1. It took me a few times before Keegan understood the whole 'interview' thing. It helps if he's at the computer with me seeing me type in his answers. Keep trying! :)
    Sorry we missed you at OB by one year!! :) Glad Connor is enjoying it!
