Thursday, March 17, 2011

ArizonYA (as Connor calls it)

Last week we traveled (by PLANE) to Phoenix, AZ to see Spring Training (baseball ya'll) and to visit husbands family (aunt, uncle and cousins) that live out there.  Connor & Claire's first time on a plane and Taylor's first time that he remembers.  We went to Disney when he was almost 3 but he doesn't remember much..  I don't do planes well.  I require drugs. But I popped my drugs and was on my merry way.  Kids dif FAB!  Connor was so excited and Claire didn't cry at all.  Makes me want to travel on planes more often-nope, not really, but almost. Oh ya, and there is that small detail of we were traveling with 4 adults (Todd's parents) and 3 kids.  They were outnumbered so we adults RULED! Anyway,  we caught a Cubs game, boys caught practice and a Rangers/White Sox game also.  We spent a couple of nights in Tuscon and got to meet a new family member and catch up with others.  The weather was awesome and we enjoyed some down time from the daily wind and grind.  Yes, I took my son out of school for two days.  GASP!  I KNOW!  WORST.PARENT.EVER.  I am sure he is totally going to fail 1st grade now! 

Enjoy a few pics from our trip!

One of many big brother annoyances in Claire's young life

1) um cutest thing ever 2) to the left of Claire is Kerry Wood's wife and daughter-he just came out to talk to them.  Does that make me cool?

Ball signing

Desert Museum in Tuscon

Game called: Put Random Things on Your Head and See Who Can Keep it There the Longest

Snuggle Bugs!

Rangers Manager (have NO idea what his name is)

Um, a baseball player for the Rangers-again, no idea who

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