Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Sweet Connor!

Yes, he really is sweet sometimes!  I promise!  Connor turned 4 this past weekend and we had two parties to celebrate.  We had family over for lunch and cake on Saturday and then he invited his friends and their siblings to a birthday party at Gymnastics Unlimited.  He had such a fun time.  His new word is "Cool" with a big smile.  Which is what he said when I made his lion cake and when he got his BIG birthday gift from all the grandparents and us.  At 4, Connor is:

  • Tall for his age!  And skinny-man the chicken legs on that boy.  With his shaved head now, he could easily pass for 5.
  • Mischievious-since half my blog posts are about his antics (okay, not half, but enough) you have probably already guessed about the mischievious part. 
  • He is inquisitive.  That's a postivie way to say he likes to push EVERY button he encounters-I mean this literally and figuratively because he definitely likes to push mommy & daddy's "buttons". 
  • He likes to climb, get into and question everything. 
  • He has no fear.  He would probably jump into oncoming traffic if I let him anywhere near the street.  Which is FUN for us!
  • I will not be surprised if he is at some point diagnosed with ADHD.  I hope that he is just full of energy like lots of 4-year-old boys but since just this week he has cut his own hair, locked himself in a bathroom and peed in a cup and stuck foreign objects up his nose at naptime, I'm not so sure. 
  • He really is a sweet boy.  He spontaneously tells me all the time that he loves me.  He wants me to put him to bed every night and brush his teeth and he will not accept any substitutes. 
  • We play a game of "kisses" every night and at naptime where we do different styles of kisses.  Butterfly, eskimo, hand kisses, finger kisses (we just bump our parts and make a kissing sound-it is cute).
  • He is smart!  He already knows all of his letters (capital and lower case) and we have started to work on sounds and words.  Right now just recognizing peoples names that he knows.
  • He worships Taylor.  He copies everything he does.  The other day Taylor was throwing a fit at the store so I jokingly asked him if he wanted me to drop him of somewhere on the way home.  Connor started crying and said "NO, don't leave him Mommy!"  He always wants to play with him.
  • Even though it appears that he is trying to strangle Claire, he really is trying to hug and kiss her-his way.
  • He loves playing with his daddy every night and gets so upset when he can't.  He calls him big man and runs to the door to greet him when he comes home from work everyday.

Time goes by so quickly with these little people.  Four years.  Love my baby boy!  Happy Birthday Connor! 
His Lion cake that I made him! I don't know why, but when I asked him what kind of cake he wanted, he said Lion.

This is a water slide, his big present from grandparents and us.  We blew it up so he could see what it is.
Yes, Big Baby sat at the table with us.

Look at that sweet face!

Jumping in foam blocks!

Connor is the one turned around at the left side with his face buried b/c he didn't want to stop playing so he was having no part of the picture.  Fabulous.


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