Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Marshmallows and Pee

That pretty much sums up my day!  I don't know why I found this hilarious enough to take a picture of, but Claire got into some marshmallows in the pantry today and took one bite of a bunch of them and left them on the floor and walked away.....in a matter of the few minutes I was getting laundry upstairs.  We usually keep the pantry shut with a bungee cord but some 3-year-old I know must have been rootin' around in there and left it open...so goes my day.
That little bit a dirt you see ont he floor is the ONLY spot in the whole kitchen that is dirty and it somehow got in the picture.....

Speaking of that soon to be 4-year-old, he was found locked in the bathroom with 2 other little boys, peeing in the drinking cup while the others cheered him on.  Okay, maybe not cheered out loud like clapping and yelling but for sure not preventing it-and I definitely heard giggling.  I thought it would be better not to include a picture :)

I totally wouldn't trade these moments for anything though!

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