Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I have numerous candles laying around my house because I do like to have a nice smelling house but I am always fearful of forgetting to blow out the candle and burning down the house.  I am also more worried now that I have children that they will get into it and hurt themselves.  Especially since I have a monkey child that climbs and likes to get into things.  Therefore, most of my candles have remained unused in cabinets.  However, my friend Jennifer/Jiffy (link to her blog) recently started selling Scentsy.  I had never heard of it until she mentioned it and I love it!  It is a candle warmer that operates on a low wattage light bulb and wickless candle "bricks".  There are so many scents to choose from it is almost overwhelming, but that obviously also means there is something for everyone.  If you are interested or know all about Scentsy but need refills, check out her website:  And don't be surprise if I host a party and invite you :)  Here is a picture of the warmer I just bought: 

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