Sunday, May 31, 2009

Entering the blogging world

So I decided I wanted to enter the world of blogging. This is more for me so I can create some type of mini journal of our lives. I have wanted to start a journal for a while now, but it takes too long to actually write out by hand (call me lazy) and I started typing an online journal as a Word document but I had no accountability and it was quite boring. So, I thought if I started something that I might actually share with others, I would have a better chance of keeping it up and I will be glad down the road to be able to read about the things I blog about. I can only hope this isn't my one and only post. Or better yet, I start posting and doing really good for a while and then stop all of the sudden, as life does tend to keep us busy. We shall see. Thus begins a journey with our family. Enjoy!