Tuesday, April 10, 2012

St. Patty's Day

Am I Irish?  Nope!  Do I have a particular interest in being Irish?  Not really.  Do the Irish know how to celebrate on St. Patty's Day?  Um, ya, pretty much!  Oh, but I have been to Ireland, that should count for something!  What's not to love about green, leprechauns, gold, parades and beer?  Every year for the past 5 years my brother Scott and friend Cheryl have put on a fun day of romping around downtown for the day on the day of St. Patty's Celebration.  This is the first year I was able to go and it was a blast! Todd was supposed to come meet us but had to work too late to make it.  Also that weekend we had a birthday gathering for my friend Becca.  The weekend in it's entirety was fabulous!  Spent with the best friends EVER!