Friday, January 22, 2010

Taylor's 3rd year skiing

Todd took Taylor skiing for the first time when he was 4, so this is his 3rd year skiing. He really likes it. Which doesn't surprise me, he is his fathers son. Most of you know that Todd LOVES skiing. He moved out to Colorado after college just because of his love for skiing. He lived there for 4 years but decided that he wanted to be back in Indiana where his family was, BUT he still goes to Colorado once a year for a ski trip with a bunch of people from his work. He looks forward to the days we can take family vacations there and all ski. That will be fun-but I have a LOT of ski practice to do before then. Those of you who have been blessed enough to ski with me, know how comical it can be (ahem, Jiffy-how 'bout our last trip to Perfect North??) WHICH was the last time I have been skiing and that was right after I got married-NEATO! Here's a fun skiing story-remember when Todd and I went skiing and Todd's ski broke when going over a mogul and he dislocated his shoulder BUT we were driving his stick shift which I have no clue how to drive so he had to drive HIMSELF to the emergency room, shifting w/ his left hand-it was SUPER!! Anyway, they went to Perfect North in Lawrenceburg and they went skiing and tubing-admission now includes both for the day. Todd's trip to Colorado is coming up in February-anyone want to volunteer to come stay with me for 5 days to help with the kiddos??? JK, I'll be fine-but I really will welcome ANY VISITORS during this period!!!

On top of the tubing hill about to go down

Ready to get skiing
Taylor's first year skiing-when he was 4!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

So, we went sledding over at Nana's house (I started this post back after the weekend it actually snowed, it just took me a while to post it). Todd drove by sledding hills at Paul Ruster (it was BARE and there were no less than 40 people on top of one hill waiting to go down) and Southeastway Park (another BARE muddy hill) that were both a bust. So, we decided why not have our own sledding party at my Nana's house where they snow hasn't been touched! Mom and Derrick watched Claire (Thank you!!) and away we went. Connor was so excited to go "sledding" but what I realized later is that he didn't actually know what sledding was. He had no prior knowledge of that word and what it meant because he didn't remember going last year. So, when we get there and he sees what it is, he immediately got scared and did not want to go anymore. He got as far as trying to sit in the sled and it started to slip a little and move and he started SCREAMING. Oh well, we'll try again next year! They did all have fun playing outside the day the snow hit-they played with the shovel, trudged around, made snow angels and built a snow fort!
Taylor going over the "mogul" that daddy built.

Todd & Taylor going down-Todd kept getting stuck and not making it down.

Me attempting to make it over the "mogul" but I just clipped the side.

Connor hiding by the garage-not sure why-I think he thought I was going to MAKE him go down the hill-which of course I never would!!

After shoveling the driveway, the boys built a "snow fort". Claire and I were snuggled inside keeping warm; I did go out and see it when they were finished though.

Daddy was maxin' and relaxin' in the snow fort too!

Connor wasn't quite sure what to think. The snow is so pretty though-I wish we had it more often!

Taylor making a snow Angel while playing with the neighbors. Thank you to Angie for sending this to me after they played!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Taylor and I had a date at the movies with his two friends and their mommies! We went to see Alvin & The Chipmunks (Taylor calls them ChiCKmunks!) 2. It was actually very cute and it was fun to go somewhere with just Taylor. He loved the mommy time too. He gets to go a lot of places with just Todd (sports events and such) so it is nice to have something we can do. When Connor gets a little older, I hope to be able to do things with just him as well. Since he is the "middle child" I really want to make sure he gets individual attention and knows that he is just as special and loved as the oldest and the youngest. Anyway, that's a whole 'nother post.

Taylor, Tessa and Aidan ready to go into the movies.

Mommy and Taylor on our date!
Taylor & Aidan waiting on Tessa to get there. Get used to it boys; you'll be waiting on a girl the rest of your life. Anyone ever heard that song "Waiting on a Women". It's country, and SO SWEET!
The kids sat in front of the mommies. Look at Tessa's adorable bow and sparkly pink shoes. So cute! Oh, and Aidan was dressed spiffy too! Taylor and I sorta crashed their "date". But Aidan told Emily "It's not a date but I will share my candy with her". :) They all ended up getting their own popcorn, candy and slushy. Spoiled

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Nutrional info for restaurants and other food

Just wanted to share this link for anyone that is curious about the nutrional information when eating out. There is a lot of other fun info on this page too, especially if you are doing weight watchers. I have been using it for years and love having this info at my finger tips!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2009 at a glance

I don't have any resolutions, per se, for the New Year. There are always things I want to "do better" and they are ongoing goals that I am constantly thinking about and re-evaluating. Some of those include wanting to be a better mom (less yelling (preferably NO yelling), spend more time playing, have more patience, etc.), improving my health and well-being by exercising better and eating right, spending more time developing and strengthening my faith (which include finding a new home church this year), etc. etc. These are not things I want to do beginning January 2010; these are just a few of my ongoing life goals I thought I would share :) I try to take time every day to reflect on the blessings in my life. I am BLESSED and I do love life!!!

We had a great 2009!
We started out the year with a trip to the museum w/ Ali, Mikey & Austin.
This is a pic from the winter strom in February that the kids and Todd built a fort. We also found out in February that we were expecting our THIRD child. This came as great news after having two miscarriages in 2008.
In March we celebrated Connor's 2nd birthday. Such a wonderful, FULL OF LIFE, little boy!

We went to the lake in April over Spring Break. We also went over Memorial Day weekend in May.
Unfortunately this summer Todd also lost his position at work. They moved his position to San Antonio Texas. He was able to keep his job and maintain his current salary, which we are very thankful for; but he is saddened by losing a job he truly enjoyed. He was moved back to doing his previous job duties; we hope that he is able to move into another job role that he likes in the future.
Taylor started baseball in June, playing for the Phillies. He really enjoyed playing for the first time in an actual "league".

In July we took a few trips to St. Louis, Lake Patoka and Kings Island. Below is a picture of us enjoying one of those trips as a family!

In August, Taylor started Kindergarten. Our little boy is school aged now! Hard to believe. He is doing so good in school and even reading now. We are SO VERY proud of him!
The most wonderful thing of the year was the birth of our beautiful little girl, Claire Annalise Mann born September 30th, 2009, 7 lbs 4 0z.
We celebrated being a family of five now!!!

In November, Taylor went to his first IU game with daddy. Being the son of two IU grads, he is bound to attend his share of IU games. He also went t his first IU basketball game in December. I would love if he also went to IU-but ultimately it is his choice-and we will support wherever he chooses :) Hopefully we will also be able to financially support it!
In December we celebrated Taylor's 6th birthday!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Party like it's 2010!

On New Year's Eve, the Kelkers & Straws along with Ian's parents (who are in town from Minnesota) and Ian's niece, Sunny, who was also visiting came over to celebrate-family style! Some of us hung in our jammies (I can always count on the Kelkers to participate!! But in fairness to the Straws, they were going to an "adult only" party after our house where no jammies were being worn) Connor refused to wear pajamas because he wanted to wear his new IU sweatshirt and Taylor had his on, then saw someone downstairs w/ out their's, got embarassed and changed. Sara got pooped on by a goose on her way in and her hair was doused in goose poop (too funny not to share). And as a grand finale, we had a "fake" countdown to the New Year at 9:00pm (yes, you read that right, 9:00, see above: family style). Party ended by 9:15pm :) It was great to bring in the New Year (well, to bring in 9:00pm the night before the New Year anyway :)) with great friends. Todd and I put the kids to bed and played a little competitive Guitar Hero and I actually made it to midnight!!
Taylor felt the Guitar Hero sticker looked better on his forehead.

Thank you Ian for wrestling with Taylor-he has to get all that energy out somehow!
Kyla & Connor bouncing in the bounce house!

Craig provided entertainment for the kids by participating in bouncy games.

The kiddos and their sparkling grape juice for the NYE countdown cheers! (Will, Taylor, Connor, Kyla, James)

Target portraits

I know that family pictures done outside by a photographer are much nicer looking than ones done in a portrait studio, however we like to keep our professional photo sessions easy on the pocketbook, so we go w/ Target....every time! Here are our new ones w/ the kids and our family picture. I must say those are three stinkin cute kids!!! My husbands pretty handsome himself-love them all to pieces!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010


We had such a wonderful Christmas visiting with family! We are very busy because we have a lot of people that we get to spend the holidays with, but we wouldn't have it any other way! Even though the kids (and ourselves) felt completely spoiled by presents (and loved every minute of it-thank you to our family for everything, we SO appreciate it!) we ultimately celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and before diving in to open presents we take time to pray together as a family to thank God for Jesus and for the blessings in our lives! We definitely experienced one of the greatest blessings this year, bringing a new life into our family to make us complete.
To see all of our Christmas photos, click here
To see all pictures from December (but not including Christmas pictures), click here
Claire Bear's first Christmas!

Stuffing her in her stocking (I was spotting her, settle down)

Breakfast at Mamaw & Papaw's on Christmas Eve

Mamaw & Papaw looking at the calendar from the grandkids
The boys with their IU basketball tickets
Connor broke out the jazz hands in excitement over his new trucks!

The boys leaving cookies and milk for Santa (sorry Santa but we dropped one of the cookies on the floor)
The one family photo that I managed to get.
Taylor & Todd opening their Guitar Hero from Grandma & Grandpa Morris
Grandma Morris got Claire a "Baby's 1st Christmas" hat
Grandpa Mann is continuing the tradition of "fishing" for presents behind the couch (Dave is down on the floor clipping on presents for them to "reel" in). The Mann kids always did this with their Grandpa Mann.
The shirt that the "dogs" got for Todd's dad :)
Santa and his elf came to visit at Tom & Sharon's in Goshen.

Family Christmas on my mom's side (Aunt Anita, Uncle Kurt, Derrick, Ali, Austin, Mom, Mikey, Nana, Claire, Taylor, Todd, me, Connor, Josh, Kate, Kristen, Clayton & Neal)