Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Taylor's first soccer game of the season

Who's the cutest soccer player in BRIGHT orange?
He wanted me to photograph his number 4
He has 3 girls and 3 boys on his team MOVE YOUR FINGER MOM!
Taylor had his first soccer game on Saturday. He played for the YMCA last year but is now old enough to play for the soccer club in the area. His team is BRIGHT orange so you might want to put on your sunglasses to view the pictures :) Thank you to Mamaw for coming out to see his first game! He scored two goals (the team scored 6) and no, they don't "officially" keep score but the parents and the kids do "in their heads". This weekend we have TWO soccer games-one on Saturday and one on Sunday. Not to mention soccer practice on Tuesday and soccer pictures on Wednesday. Taylor is missing his first school skating party tonight to got to soccer practice. Ah, remember skating parties? However, Taylor has never put on a pair of roller skates and he is MY son, so I'm not sure how well his balance would cooperate. We had a long talk about how he could MAYBE go to the next one so we would be able to take him to practice before hand. He was okay with it, but a little sad. Ah, the life of a Kindergartner and learning that he can't do EVERYTHING activity.

My Birthday Weekend

Boys playing football-Ben was playing too-not sure where he is....

Grub time at the kiddie table-Connor had escaped to try to sit at the adult table

Olivia being a rebel going UP the slide...imagine that, Becca's daughter a rebel?

Connor, The Baby Whisperer-he's "listening" to Will

No, I'm not really 32, those are just the only candles Becca had :)

What? It's good. So I got a little on my face....

Football players
Becca (35 weeks pregnant), Kim (26 weeks pregnant-TWINS), Nicole (19 weeks pregnant), Me (35 weeks pregnant). Todd says mine looks fake-like I stuck something in my shirt to "look" pregnant :)
In case one belly shot wasn't enough....
My lovies! (yes, I used the word lovey)
Me and momma-Taylor took this pic. And maybe it is just me, but why is my NOSE pregnant?

I had a super birthday weekend and got to visit with lots of people. Todd & the boys got me a much needed and wanted new vacuum cleaner. Exciting, I know-and how old am I that I am excited about a new vacuum cleaner? And further proof of my increasing age is that after Todd & I went on our date (dinner) Friday night we finished it off w/ running errands including a trip to the grocery store. Hey, you got to take advantage of stuff like this when you aren't toting arouond kiddos. It could have had some thing to do with my advanced pregnancy as well; we may have done something a little more exciting if I were up to it-but can be a party pooper these days. We did rent a movie (I Love You, Man) when we got home. Thanks to my mom (Mamaw) for coming over to watch the kids!!!! So, what else did I do?
  • Got to visit with my friends from college and their families (they came over for dinner on Saturday). Except for Sara who unexpectedly had to stay home due to Shingles :( Thanks to Becca for making a yummy chocolate cake!
  • Went to breakfast with my dad, stepmom, mom, sister, nephew and Connor (Taylor & Todd were at the Colts game).
  • Connor & I went to the apple orchard for a little time together (and so I could get some apples)
  • Went to dinner at my moms (she made one of my favorite meals-rouladin (sp?) & dumplings and oatmeal cake with toasted coconut topping-homemade and oh so delicious!)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Labor Day Weekend-Dale Hollow

We went to the lake for Labor Day weekend. Of course I was nervous traveling because of being 34 weeks pregnant-but thankfully all went well. We stopped at the dock for ice cream, however, and the "worker" asked me how far a long I was. Then she proceeded to tell me that they don't deliver any babies at Albany (the closest hospital) unless it is an emergency. Great, so if something did happen, I would be going to a hospital that isn't used to delivering babies needing a C-section delivery of a premature baby. Nice. The other option was to drive a couple of hours to the other hospital in the area-I'm pretty sure I would have taken that option. But no premature babies, just a nice time fishing, swimming, boating, tubing, 4-wheeling and hanging out.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Birthday Parties

We have been having fun at birthday parties lately! First we had Austin's 3rd birthday part at Chuck E. Cheese. Then we had Aidan's 5th birthday party (which I didn't take any pics of and haven't seen any posted by Em yet so don't have any of those to share) at Monkey Joe's. Then we went to Jacob's 2nd birthday party in his backyard where the kids ate and bounced and played and then Grace's 6th birthday party at the park and they got to bust a pinata. The kids had lots of fun!