I'm ready!
So, Todd is trying to teach Taylor how to ride his bike without training wheels because he REALLY wants to, but it has been a process and we aren't even close to being there yet! Todd gets him suited up in knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards and his SKI helmet before the big event. Then he runs along side of him and gradually lets go-and then Taylor crashes seconds later....that is usually how the routine goes. We had a scare last week where he fell and the handle bars turned and he landed on the handle bars with his stomach. The scream that came out of him was awful. I was so scared. There were no outward marks but I was paranoid he had internal bleeding or something. So we watched him really closely and checked him a lot for a couple of days. He seemed to recover fine, but decided he wanted to "take a week off of trying" because he was tired of falling :) So, we may try again, we may not. I figure by next summer he'll for sure be ready and at least now he knows how hard it can be to do something you want to do! It looks so simple watching other people do it! And he is his momma's son-me and coordination/balance do not go hand and hand.
He'll get it one day! Love the pics...