Thanks to Becca's mom, Todd & Taylor got to go to the IU/PU football game in Bloomington on Saturday. Unfortunately, IU lost, but what else is new during an Oaken Bucket football game? Taylor has been really into football this year and loves to go to Colts games, so we thought he would enjoy this, not to mention I knew Todd would enjoy it! They had a great time; I only wish I had been able to go too. Oh, and they came home with souvenier IU footballs for both Taylor and Connor. Connor wanted to go too, but he understood and was okay with the explanation that he can go "when he gets a little bigger".
omg! before we know it, we'll be going down to bloomington taking taylor to colorado steakhouse, moving him in the dorm and buying his books at the wrong TIS :)!!! i'm going with you by the way :)