Sunday, October 2, 2011

Claire Annalise is 2!

My sweet baby girl Claire,
Oh how I can't believe that 2 years has come and gone since you were born!  You have been such a gift to our family!  You just add a dynamic that our family needed and has completed our family of five! Even though mommy says she wants another baby, I know that the three of you have blessed me more than I could have asked and am completely happy with you as my children! You are so full of energy and talking up a storm these days.  I can't believe I was ever worried that you weren't going to talk-now we can't stop you!  You are at the age where everything out of our mouth is so cute, so even when you say NO with a pouty face I still smile because it is so cute.  The screaming fits, not so cute....and you are starting to have more and more of those lately.  LOVE THOSE terrible twos. I am hoping you defy the name and create your own tremendous twos! Your personality is growing by the day...excited for everything, especially food!  Oh my gosh, if you could sit and eat all day long, you would. Well except for vegetables. You dislike everything vegetable. That's going to be a fun battle! You love your daddy and ask for him every morning and I have to tell you he is at work. You are such a big helper, you want to help me clean, cook, even help change your own diaper!  When you are asked to throw something away for us you RUN to the trashcan and come back grinning with pride.  Priceless!  Now, I fully expect this to not carry into your teenage years, but if in fact it does, you will for sure get more allowance than your brothers who want to do NOTHING that involves work!

You love playing with your kitchen and babydolls!  In fact your grandparents and mommy and daddy got you a new kitchen for your birthday because you play in the tiny one we have all the time!  You have 6 or 7 baby dolls and got a stroller for them for your birthday that you have basically pushed around the house since you got it.  You sleep with at least 2 babydolls every night and like them to ride in the car with you and feed them when you eat.  Nana got you a Barbie jeep for your birthday and you screamed in delight when you saw it and no longer wanted to open any more gifts!  I love seeing all the girl gifts in our house-the nostalgia of my childhood is overwhelming!  You LOVE your Papaw and everytime he is around, the rest of us are minced meat.....Your like to say the color yellow and everything is yellow!  You love animals, especially dogs and I have a feeling we are going to have to break down and get you one soon! You love to give hugs and kisses; in fact we just shared a kissing session of about 25 kisses.  I love watching you run because it is a waddle/run that is so adorable! You have to say good night to your brothers every night and give them hugs and kisses or you cry.  You went from calling them Tay and Co over night to calling them Co-er and Ta-er.  You still suck your fingers and put your hand in my mouth, especially when you are tired.  Even though I seem to be upset when you get clingy and want me to hold you all the time, I actually enjoy every second of your neediness because we get to cuddle.  You do not like brushing your teeth, you just like to put the brush in your mouth for 1 second and take it back out and spit.  You still have to be on your breathing machine and see a pulmonologist-we are on 2 a day breathing treatments right now, but I am confident that this will cease eventually.  I could go on about how awesome you are, but you are MY daugher so why wouldn't you be?  LOL  We love you so much and can't wait to see what year 3 has to bring for you and us!  Thank you God for bring you into our lives! 

Love, Mommy, Daddy, Taylor and Connor
 Claire and Cousin Quinn
 Birthday Cake Pops (don't EVER make them, unless you have a spare 8 hours to kill!)

 Opening gifts
 Playing with new kitchen, table and food
 Blowing out the candle that we had no where to put so I just held it!
 Grandpa and Claire-cake pop time!
Mommy and daughter!

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