Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gobble Gobble (puke puke)

Tis the season of icky sicky, fa la la la la la la la la.  Oh wait, this is a post about Thanksgiving, however that does lead to the icky sicky.  We had 4 Thanksgiving celebrations this years!  I am VERY thankful to have friends and family to enjoy 4 celebrations with.  My friend, Jiffy hosted a Thanksgiving celebration for a group of friends that I love dearly!  All was well....until I got home and proceeded to spend the next two days throwing up and in bed, therefore missing Thanksgiving celebration at my moms. Boo.  But, not only did I get the stomach bug, I apparently passed it on to other people at the celebration-and then the vicious chain just exploded and suddenly everyone in our family and that we knew had the flu.  I am sure it didn't ALL start with me, and I had to have gotten in somewhere-but I am still amazed at how many people had this "THING".  Claire just got over it and Connor is having his own version of it right now.  So, back to that THanksgiving thing.....we went to my dad and Carla's Thursday early afternoon and then up to celebrate with Todd's family. I was the "roll girl" this season bringing a 30 pack of THE BEST ROLLS EVER to each celebration.  They really are the best rolls ever and can be bought for $6 for a pack of 30 at Sam's Club.  They are called Sister Schuberts  You can get them in smaller pack elsewhere, but trust me you will want 30. I also made sweet potato casserole and struessel pumpkin pie.  Mmmmm to both! Okay, it's naptime and I am obviously craving some conversation or this wouldn't be such a long post..... Here are a few pics from our Thanksgiving season (no, there won't be any of anyone heaving in a toilet, I promise)

Taylor had a program at school where he had a speaking part and sang.  Then we went back to his classroom for a first grade FEAST!  I made mashed potatoes for 37 people!  That was interesting...

These are the hats they wore during the program.  Cute and all, but REALLY?  You couldn't even see the kids faces, they kept falling off and the kids played with them the entire time.  Is it okay to be bitter about 1st grade crafts??

Cousin Quinn pushing Claire in a baby stroller. 

We went to visit Aunt Erika (Todd's sis) at her appt. the day after Thanksgiving.

One of the kids tables at our "friends" Thanksgiving.  We had a group picture of all of us-I will post it when I get it.  There were 14 adults and 17 kids (& one on the way).  They officially outnumber us! 

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