Thursday, December 16, 2010

Taylor is 7!

My baby boy turned 7 last week!  It can't be possible that 7 years has passed since Taylor was born, but unless we accidentally celebrated an extra birthday somewhere, it is so!  I am so proud of the little boy that he is.  He is smart, sweet, caring, creative and passionate about competition!  He played baseball, football and basketball this year and has loved every minute of it.  He is a natural competitor and is so intense when he is playing.  But he truly does enjoy any sport at any time.  Maybe a little too much.  It is too early to tell if he has any talent or not, but as long as he has fun, then it doesn't really matter (well, that is what I say-I'm pretty sure Todd would word that a little differently).  I am proud of how well Taylor has done in school and how he strives to do "the right thing" and earn high marks on his behavior chart.  I wish he would try that hard at home. For his birthday we had a birthday brunch with the family and had birthday muffins.  Then he had to go play a basketball game, then he invited some friends from school/sports teams and his BFF Aidan for a party/sleepover.  Since it snowed that day, they first suited up in snow gear and went out to throw snowballs and be boys in the snow. Then we had pizza for dinner and loaded up in the car and Todd and I took them bowling.  Then back to the house for cake and craziness and finally a movie to wind the night down.  All were alseep by midnight and Todd and I were EXHAUSTED the next day.  But Taylor loved every minute of his special day.  On Taylor's actual birthday that week he requested McDonalds (ugh I know-I cringe every time they request that) for dinner and we made a gingerbread house as a family.  I hope that he has a fabulous year in 2011 and I can't wait to be right there for all of his adventures.  My heart is filled with overpouring love for my big guy.  Happy Birthday Tay! 
 Cranberry and orange birthday muffin!
 YES, we broke down and got him a DSi for his b-day.  I really wanted to wait until he was 8 or 9 but that was his big gift request this year.....for this we should be nominated for "parents of the year".  This was actually the first year that he quietly opened presents instead of getting super excited with each one. 
 Snowball fight!!! Connor wanted in on the action!
 At the bowling alley:  Taylor, Jacob, Caleb, Matthew, Michael and Aidan
Our attempt at a basketball failed with the orange color turned out more maybe it was the basketball for My Little Ponies....

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