Monday, February 14, 2011

I HEART hearts!

Heart, hearts everywhere!  I know it is a holiday that some roll their eyes at.  A "Hallmark Holidy" which was pretty much created in order for consumers to spend more of their hard earned money on a bunch of crap!  No real meaning or religion behind it.  BUT, I kinda like it.  Hearts are fun.  Red and pink are fun together!  Well, at least now that I have kids, it's cute.  I remember being single on Valentine's Day and being bitter b/c it seemed to be a day that was for couples only.  But my view has changed a bit since having kids.  In school they call it "friendship day" as not to emphasize the LOVE part of it.  But, whatever it is, it is still nice to have a day set aside to remember to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you and thank them with small gestures-you don't have to spend a lot of money if you don't want to-or you can if you do!  We spend Valentine's Day every year doing something together as a family.  We tell the kids it is a day to spend with our loved ones.  They get to pick the activity, so this year we will be watching Despicable Me link on the projector.  I also made them a dinner that I know they will all like (versus a normal balanced meal where I have to bribe them to eat).  Happy Valentine's Day to all! Give an extra little squeeze to the ones you love today!

  Breakfast for dinner
 Making cards
 Making cookies
 Hearts hearts and more hearts
 My friend Courtney found this awesome outfit for $5 at Babies R' Us!  Who knew Babies R Us had cheap clothes?
I couldn't get the boys to wear hearts today.  But Taylor did wear red because it was red day at school and he said you get a smarty if you do it. Yes, one smarty.  And that motivated him.  I think I need a jar of smarties.

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