Monday, May 16, 2011

The Birds and the Bees-an appropriate conversation for Mother's Day seven-year-old was missing his teacher that is out on maternity leave the other day.  He sighed and said, "why did she have to have a baby?"...then he looked at me and said, "mommy, is there something you can do to TRY to have a baby?".  I thought about it for a brief minute.  Do I say no, totally up to God or do I get all technical on him?  I wasn't feeling well at the time so I said God gets to decide if we have babies or not, but yes there is something mommies and daddies can do to try to have babies.  Please let him just say okay and be done with it.  Nope. "Well, what can you do?  Tell me."  What do I do? What do I say????  I am not ready for this conversation.  Delay.  Delay.  Delay. 

I remember reading somewhere in 1 of the 5,000 parenting books, blogs or articles that I have read (parenting is hard ya'll) that you are supposed to always provide an accurate answer to any question your child asks.  This is so they will always feel like they can come to you with questions and keeps the lines of communication open.  Sooooo, I did a little research on what to say to a 7 year old that wasn't TMI but would be enough for his curiosity.  

I called him over and put him on my lap and this is what transpired:

M:  Earlier you asked me if you could do something to try to have babies.  I didn't answer because I wasn't feeling well, but now I am ready to answer.  I want you to know that you can ask me anything and I will always have an answer for you.

God decides if and when you get to have a baby.  But there is something you can do to try to have a baby.  Mommy has eggs, like animals do; like snakes and birds, but mine are inside my belly. Daddy mixes stuff from his penis with mommy's eggs and a baby starts to grow.  Mommy grows the baby in her belly for 9 months and then the baby is born. 

T:  Oh, so you really have to have daddy to have a baby.
M:  Yes, there has to be a mommy and a daddy.
T:  Because you would have another baby if you didn't need daddy.
M: (laughing) Yes, probably.
T:  Okay. Thank you.  (he hugged me and kissed me and went back to watching sports on TV)

Oh my gosh!  I survived that conversation and he didn't even ask me how the stuff gets from the penis to mommy's eggs.  AWESOME!!!  What would I have said if he did ask that?  I HAVE NO IDEA.  I hadn't thought that far ahead.

I can't believe my baby has gone from being a newborn to asking how babies are made in what seems like such a short time ago.  It's true, don't blink!  Before I know it he'll be making his own babies....

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