Thursday, August 11, 2011

Matt Morrison (I mean NKOTB) concert

So back in the day (7th-8th grade?) I was OBSESSED with NKOTB (New Kids on the Block for those of you foolish enough to not know :)).  Me and my friends would work at it until we had the dances memorized, we would watch videos and pause it on their butts (oh yes, we were that immature) and I swore I was going to marry Joey.  I mean why not?  Why wouldn't he be interested in some average (okay, shorter than average) girl from Indianapolis.  It made total sense :)

So, fast forward 20+ years and they are on a reunion tour with Backstreet Boys (whom I really never got into, but the friends I went with did).  How lucky am I to still be friends with the same girls that obsessed over them with me back in the 90's?  (minus Jeni; we picked her up in high school, but STILL, that is 18 years later!)

To our wonderful surprise, the opening act was Matt Morrison (Mr. Schu from Glee).  HE WAS AMAZING!  He can sing, he can dance, and my is he pretty to look at! :) Ahhh....all in all it was a great, fun, fabulous night with some of the best friends a girl could ask for!

THE GIRLS, they got the "Right Stuff"

 ON OUR WAY "Step by Step"

The boys.....Joey....ah....okay, back to my 33 year old self-it was a fun trip down memory lane, but I am not really obsessed anymore :)

1 comment:

  1. That is AWESOME! I wanted to see them in concert! Looks like you all had a great time!
