Thursday, January 21, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

So, we went sledding over at Nana's house (I started this post back after the weekend it actually snowed, it just took me a while to post it). Todd drove by sledding hills at Paul Ruster (it was BARE and there were no less than 40 people on top of one hill waiting to go down) and Southeastway Park (another BARE muddy hill) that were both a bust. So, we decided why not have our own sledding party at my Nana's house where they snow hasn't been touched! Mom and Derrick watched Claire (Thank you!!) and away we went. Connor was so excited to go "sledding" but what I realized later is that he didn't actually know what sledding was. He had no prior knowledge of that word and what it meant because he didn't remember going last year. So, when we get there and he sees what it is, he immediately got scared and did not want to go anymore. He got as far as trying to sit in the sled and it started to slip a little and move and he started SCREAMING. Oh well, we'll try again next year! They did all have fun playing outside the day the snow hit-they played with the shovel, trudged around, made snow angels and built a snow fort!
Taylor going over the "mogul" that daddy built.

Todd & Taylor going down-Todd kept getting stuck and not making it down.

Me attempting to make it over the "mogul" but I just clipped the side.

Connor hiding by the garage-not sure why-I think he thought I was going to MAKE him go down the hill-which of course I never would!!

After shoveling the driveway, the boys built a "snow fort". Claire and I were snuggled inside keeping warm; I did go out and see it when they were finished though.

Daddy was maxin' and relaxin' in the snow fort too!

Connor wasn't quite sure what to think. The snow is so pretty though-I wish we had it more often!

Taylor making a snow Angel while playing with the neighbors. Thank you to Angie for sending this to me after they played!!

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