Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Taylor and I had a date at the movies with his two friends and their mommies! We went to see Alvin & The Chipmunks (Taylor calls them ChiCKmunks!) 2. It was actually very cute and it was fun to go somewhere with just Taylor. He loved the mommy time too. He gets to go a lot of places with just Todd (sports events and such) so it is nice to have something we can do. When Connor gets a little older, I hope to be able to do things with just him as well. Since he is the "middle child" I really want to make sure he gets individual attention and knows that he is just as special and loved as the oldest and the youngest. Anyway, that's a whole 'nother post.

Taylor, Tessa and Aidan ready to go into the movies.

Mommy and Taylor on our date!
Taylor & Aidan waiting on Tessa to get there. Get used to it boys; you'll be waiting on a girl the rest of your life. Anyone ever heard that song "Waiting on a Women". It's country, and SO SWEET!
The kids sat in front of the mommies. Look at Tessa's adorable bow and sparkly pink shoes. So cute! Oh, and Aidan was dressed spiffy too! Taylor and I sorta crashed their "date". But Aidan told Emily "It's not a date but I will share my candy with her". :) They all ended up getting their own popcorn, candy and slushy. Spoiled

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