Thursday, August 12, 2010

South CarolinYA

Family beach shots that everyone takes while they are on vacation (you know you do it!)
My sweet, adorable children 
Scott & Carla at Patriots Point
Mommy, Connor, Taylor at water park
Mommy & Claire at the beach.  Claire has a broken leg in this picture but we didn't know it yet!  :(
Battery Park in Charleston
Taylor and Daddy's sand castle.  Connor and I collected the shells to decorate it.
I think this is the USS Yorktown at Patriots Point
Taylor thought he could ride his bike a mile down the beach....which is why we ended up pushing it half way there and ALL the way back.  GREAT idea!
Sister Ali and her bfriend Adam
Grandma & Grandpa and the grandkids

We just got back from a trip to Isle of Palms, South Carolina.  Or South CarolinYA as Connor calls it.  My moms aunt and uncle lived here when I was young and we vacationed there every year since I was born and my mom lived there for a while in the 1990's.  My dad hadn't been in 25 years-since me and my sister were little so he wanted to venture back down since he always enjoyed it.  So him and my stepmom rented a house for the whole family across the street from the beach.  My family, my sisters family and my stepbrother all went.  It was a fun week (except for Claire's leg and the shark bite).  Don't worry, it wasn't us who got bit-but it sure did put a damper on things.  We were in the hospital with Claire when we ran into a family also from our state that had a 16 year old (friend of their sons) who had gotten bit by a shark and had to get 40-some stitches on his leg! WHAT?  I already have an abnormal fear of sharks; I don't get in the ocen past my knees.  But now there was a shark bite that occurred less than a couple of blocks from where we were staying.  No thank you very muchI would like to keep my appendages.....

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