Thursday, June 4, 2009

Play date at Cheryl's

Okay, I feel like maybe I am posting a bit too much. I didn't really intend to have this many posts already but sometimes I just feel like talking (okay, I ALWAYS feel like talking) so why not type it all up and get it out there into cyberspace. You don't HAVE to read it! Today we hung out at Cheryl's house with her boys, Jacob and Joey, in the morning. The boys played in the yard while we got to have "adult talk". Emily was supposed to come over with her kiddos but she was having her phone fixed so she couldn't make it. I have included a pic of the boys eating their snack on the hammock. Joey was being held by his momma so he didn't make it in. After this outing, I again dragged the boys to the store (the mall this time-I AM cruel) and Taylor was such a big helper. He pushed Connor around in his stroller and while I was trying on clothes he helped Connor try on a pair of shoes (it was so cute; he sat him down and took his sock and shoe off and then put the new shoe on then made Connor walk around in it-just like I do to him when I have him try shoes on!). I then concluded my evening by working for 2.5 hours at the concession stand for the Taylor's little league. I could have lived w/ out that part, but it has to be done, so I was happy to help :) The boys came to visit and had a little snack.

1 comment:

  1. NEVER EVER APOLOGIZE for posting too much!!!! That is illegal in the blogosphere! You can only apologize for not posting ENOUGH! Seriously, you'll see you'll start to have a guilty conscience when you haven't posted in a while... CUTE pic of taylor in his swim outfit!
