Thursday, June 17, 2010

Crawlfish Boil

Every year in June, my friends Kim & Will have a Crawlfish Boil at the park across the street from their house. First of all, how awesome is it to live across the street from a park?  Crawlfish Boil is always so much fun!  A time for friends to visit and the kids to play.  Everyone looks forward to it every year and they put a lot of hard work into it (which is hard to do while taking care of a 3 year old and 6 month old twins-so props to them)!

crawlfish before they boil

crawlfish spread out being devoured
Ian's fierce re-enactment of crawlfish eating

Head sucker
Ellie CHOMPIN on a watermelon
Claire and Emma Grace (it was a little steamy out so Claire looks a little out of sorts here)

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