Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day Tribute

Since it is Father's Day, I want to give a shout out to a wonderful daddy.  My husband.  My baby daddy (X 3).  He has been an active and loving daddy since day one with the kids.  He plays with them from the time he gets home from work until it is time for them to go to bed.  He tells them he loves them and hugs and kisses them every day so they know how loved they are.  He also works hard every day so that I can be home with them and they have things that they need and want.  I am very proud of how good he is at being a daddy.  I do attribute a lot of that to his mom and dad because I know they worked hard to raise him with love and values that would make him a good husband and daddy one day.  I thank them for that because our family is benefiting from that.  I know the boys love him by how many times they ask me in a day "when is daddy coming home"?  I know Claire loves him because she smiles when she sees him.  We all love you, honey-Happy Father's Day!  Below are pictures from when each child was born and them with daddy now.  Can you guess which baby is who?  (answers at the bottom)

(1. Claire, 2. Taylor, 3. Connor)

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