Thursday, June 10, 2010

Decision to stay at home

So I guess this is old news but I wanted to blog about it.  I have always wanted to stay home with my kids.  They are only little once and they grow so fast that I just don't want to miss a minute!  I also didn't want to look back when they were older with regrets, and I thought that might be something I would regret.  Now, we all know that being able to do that is a HUGE blessing and VERY HARD to manage financially, at least for most of us.  That is why it took until the third child for this to even be an option.  I have thankfully been so fortunate to work part time since Connor was born 3 years ago.  I worked every day from 8-12.  It was PERFECT-I got to still teach, which I love, and spend half the day with the kids.  I have always said if my job wants me to go back full time then I was done and we would figure out what to do at that point.  Well, while I was on maternity leave my principal called and told me that they had made the decision to make my position full time.  I respect this decision as I have thought it would happen even sooner as my part time position was VERY RARE as our district does not allow job sharing.  Thankfully Todd has a great job that has allowed us this opportunity and I am so very happy that I got to resign from my teaching position at the end of this school year.  It has only been a week and a half since I have been at home and the days have been challenging, but they have also been rewarding.  Each morning when I wake up to my childrens beautiful faces and they fill my heart with so much love and then I realize I get to be with them ALL DAY, I couldn't be happier. My mind quickly changes when Connor pees in his pants, Claire is crying and Taylor is whining ALL AT THE SAME TIME.  :)  I thank my wonderful husband for making the sacrifice to not have everything we may want (material things) in order for this to happen.  Things are just that-THINGS-we don't need them.  So, my adventure begins as a stay at home mom and I PRAISE GOD for that.  (by the way, I just had to stop typing this because Connor PEED ON THE FLOOR-I love my job, I love my job, I love my job :))

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